Religious Articles

Spirituality and religiosity have been found to be positive predictors of subjective well-being, even if results are not altogether consistent across studies. This mixed evidence is probably due to the inadequate operationalization of the constructs as well as the neglect of the moderation effect that the individuals’ religious status can have on the relation between spirituality/religiosity and subjective well-being.
Lord Rama was the son of King Dasharatha and Rani Kaushalya of Ayodhya. It is believed that Lord Rama was born on the day of "Ram Navami". Ramayana was first composed by Maharishi Valmiki. Since then various people have composed Ramayana in different languages.
The scientist of I-SERVE claimed that they zeroed down on Lord Rama`s birth date by studying planetary positions as described by Valmiki in the Ramayana.
Maa Brahmacharini, you attempt to transport forward in life without getting disheartened with the aid of the numerous challenges coming your way. Maa Brahmcharini blesses you to increase an internal power, top notch emotional energy and is capable of maintaining your intellectual balance and self assurance even inside the darkest hour.
Maa Kalratri loves the night-blooming jasmines. On the 7th day of Navratri, offer night jasmines to Maa Kalratri and recite the following mantras and conclude with aarti.
Morbi tristique a lectus ut rhoncus. Etiam sed laoreet sapien, ut aliquam augue. Proin euismod efficitur ante, quis luctus est suscipit sit amet. Vivamus sagittis arcu ut magna pretium
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu est ac sem vehicula tincidunt et pellentesque mi. Nullam ut odio dictum, tristique diam vel, pellentesque magna. Nunc eget nunc sed neque posuere fringilla.
Morbi imperdiet massa in nunc rhoncus, pharetra tempor ante consequat. Proin condimentum lorem eget libero scelerisque consectetur. Duis sed eros et urna molestie lacinia in nec ex. Duis maximus consequat ex
Morbi imperdiet massa in nunc rhoncus, pharetra tempor ante consequat. Proin condimentum lorem eget libero scelerisque consectetur. Duis sed eros et urna molestie lacinia in nec ex. Duis maximus consequat ex, nec efficitur erat cursus in.
Sed et feugiat tellus. Pellentesque fringilla ante nec mauris volutpat, at laoreet turpis placerat. Duis dignissim molestie nulla, ut tincidunt dolor ultricies at. Sed sollicitudin auctor ligula mattis aliquam. Morbi ac lacus at risus faucibus aliquam ut et metus.
Cras tincidunt odio ac nunc rutrum ullamcorper. Nunc condimentum dui id dui cursus, et rhoncus nulla congue. Sed ut tellus elit. In et lectus odio. Suspendisse potenti. Donec viverra interdum dignissim. Pellentesque quis pulvinar felis.
Aenean pharetra aliquam neque, quis maximus est luctus quis. Sed quis erat neque. Suspendisse accumsan vulputate felis, ut laoreet lorem accumsan ac. Sed sed nibh sit amet ex vehicula scelerisque. Integer commodo
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent quis egestas felis. Nulla scelerisque laoreet urna, vel dignissim nulla scelerisque non. Vivamus ultrices pharetra porta. Phasellus ut maximus urna, vitae consectetur dui. Phasellus eu purus placerat
Fusce placerat lacus nec ex euismod, vitae ultricies libero accumsan. Sed dignissim est id risus dapibus, in posuere tortor tempor. Donec augue enim, rhoncus sed tristique eu, ornare ac neque.
The temples mentioned below have been constructed by some of the prominent rulers of different dynasties that ruled in India. In the following list, you will get to know about the details of these temples and how you could reach them without any hassle.